Can We Celebrate Milestones Without Shame or Judgment?
Honor your wins no matter the number or opinions
The other day, I hit 50 subscribers here, and it felt amazing. It was a milestone that told me people were connecting with what I was sharing, and for a moment, I just let myself enjoy it. But I’ll be real: the anticipation started earlier, right around 40 subscribers. I found myself refreshing constantly, watching every new follower and hoping to reach that next “big” number. Each new subscriber felt like proof that I was doing something right. But along the way, I realized my excitement was becoming something else. In my eagerness, I noticed the joy I’d felt when I first started writing here was getting tangled up in expectations.
And to be honest, that joy got mixed up with something I wasn’t expecting: shame. Like many, I’ve noticed subtle judgments from other creators who downplay caring about stats, as if that makes us who do less authentic. I’d read posts where it felt like anyone celebrating a milestone was being indirectly shamed, as if tracking growth meant we’d “lost focus” or were “too focused on numbers.” It might not be intentional, but it’s there. And that unspoken judgment is powerful. It’s enough to make you second-guess whether it’s okay to celebrate your growth or feel proud of the milestones you’ve worked for.
But when you really think about it, numbers have always played a role in our lives. From the time we’re young, numbers measure everything we do. Each birthday reminds us we’re getting older (hopefully wiser), and our grades or test scores reflect how well we’re doing. At work, our performance ratings and salaries give us metrics of “success.” We track the number of steps we walk, calories we eat, and hours we sleep, all with the belief that these numbers represent how we’re doing in life. In our culture, numbers constantly tell us we’re “enough” only if they’re high enough.
So, if some of us feel motivated by hitting milestones like subscriber counts, maybe that’s because numbers have always been one way society shows us we’re making progress. Judging and shaming people (whether intentionally or unintentionally) for celebrating these milestones ignores the reality of how ingrained numbers are in all of our lives. A little grace wouldn’t hurt. Let’s allow people to find joy where they find it, even if that joy comes in the form of numbers going up.
For me, though, I realized I needed to find balance. I’d gotten to a point where the numbers weren’t just a signal of growth, they were starting to define me. But I’ve learned there’s no magic number, no amount of subscribers or views, that can measure my worth or the value of my voice. The real success is knowing I’m sharing something meaningful and connecting with you in a way that matters beyond any stat.
For example, not long ago, a subscriber left a comment sharing how much it resonated when I wrote about how pain and gratitude can coexist. She told me it was comforting to see someone put words to the messy, contradictory feelings she’s also carried. That moment reminded me of why I write: to connect and make others feel seen, especially through complex experiences. Interactions like this can’t be quantified but hold immense value.
So, if you’re at a milestone, whether it’s 10 subscribers or 1,000, I hope you’ll celebrate it fully. Pop some champagne, twerk in the mirror, or simply share it if you want to, because that joy is real. And if the numbers are starting to weigh you down, remember that they’re just one part of the journey. They don’t hold the power to define who you are or what you’re creating.
At the end of the day, numbers can’t measure what really matters. They don’t capture those moments when someone replies, “Hey, this meant something to me.” They can’t quantify the feeling of sharing your truth or finding joy in this process. That’s what I’m choosing to focus on now, and I’m grateful to have each of you here with me.
Here’s to creating something real and meaningful, no matter what the numbers or other people say.
Jade I quoted so much from this piece because it resonated so much! Wow! Congratulations 🎉 and keep writing! ✍🏾 consider this an invitation to contribute to BlackStack’s Sunday Service Announcements because THIS was an announcement piece! I love it! 🥰
Congratulations Jade 😍 you’re doing so well!
I personally enjoy your writing so much. It’s so warm and your ability to gently detangle complicated emotions and experiences is so commendable 🤎